How Do I?

  1. Generally, most police reports are subject to release by the Freedom of Information Act (FIOA). However, each case and/or report is assessed individually based on the content of the report. 

  2. NOTE: Cases that are still under investigation are unable to be release. Any juvenile information cannot be released.

  3. FIOA forms can be picked up in person at the Auburn Police Department, faxed (217) 438-3724 or downloaded HERE.  

Although there are a few exceptions, most police reports must be filed in person at the Auburn Police Department.

You can come into the Auburn Police Department and give the tip in person, call the Auburn Police Department (217) 438-3351.

The city of Auburn has an ordinance that governs what types of waste residents are able to burn and when they are allowed to do so.

  • Ordinance Sec. 13-88 States the following:
    • Sec. 13-88. - Open burning. Unless otherwise stated herein, outdoor burning of any material is prohibited within the city limits of Auburn.

Yard waste: Yard waste is defined as tree limbs/branches and other forms of untreated wood. Such items may be burned provided they are completely dry, and the following provisions are adhered to:

  1. Yard waste items may be burned during daylight hours between sunrise and sunset. All burning of yard waste items must be completed by sunset. At no time is it permitted for either flame or smoke to remain present after sunset.
  2. Burning of yard waste items shall be continuously attended by an adult or other responsible person.
  3. Yard waste may be burned only upon the property in which the items were originally gathered. Burning items on city streets is prohibited.
  4. Burning of yard waste on federally recognized holidays and Halloween is strictly prohibited.


Leaves and grass: The burning of leaves and/or grass is prohibited in the city at all times.

Patio fireplaces/campfires: The city recognizes that burning wood within patio fireplaces and campfires is enjoyable and should be permitted to the extent that such activity does not unduly inconvenience other citizens within the community. Consideration should be given to the fire's location and proximity to neighboring property, prevailing winds or other conditions that may unduly inconvenience others. Use of patio fireplaces and campfires are permitted provided the following provisions are adhered to:

  1. Material burned within patio fireplaces and campfires is limited to dry wood only. At no time is "treated" wood or construction materials allowed to be burned.
  2. Patio fireplaces and campfires must be continuously attended by an adult.
  3. There are no time restrictions for using patio fireplaces or campfires.
  4. Patio fireplaces and campfires are permitted during such times as do not unduly inconvenience other citizens within the community. Police officers shall have final authority to determine whether or not operation of a patio fireplace or campfire is allowed to continue.

Burning in barrels: The burning of anything in barrels, chambers or other apparatus is prohibited within the city limits.

Penalty for anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be first warned and then after one (1) warning be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), then a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the next violation; then a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the next violation and all violations thereafter.

(Ord. No. 949-89, 9-5-89; Ord. No. 1228-05, 9-6-05; Ord. No. 1412-16 , 2-16-16; Ord. No. 1498-21 , § 2, 5-3-21)

Cross reference— Fire prevention and protection, Ch. 12.

    1. To get an Order of Protection, a person must file court papers online at the Sangamon County Circuit Clerk website or in person at the Sangamon County Courthouse asking for one. This includes filing a Petition for an Order of Protection.

In their petition, the person must explain to a judge why they want an Order of Protection against another person.

There are different types of protective orders or restraining orders available depending on the type of protection needed:

  • Order of protection: legal document that provides protection for people being abused by family or household members. 
  • Civil no contact order: legal document that protects victims of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse from the abuser and can also be used to protect the victim’s family. 
  • Stalking no contact order: legal document that stops someone else from stalking someone. Stalking is any activity that makes someone fear for their safety or become distressed. It must happen more than once to be stalking.

Order of Protection

A person being abused by a family or household member can get an Order of Protection to protect them and anyone else living in their home, including minor children. Also, any adult with a disability who is abused or neglected by a family or household member can get an Order of Protection.

An Order of Protection can be issued against any of the following:

  • Anyone in the victim’s family or household, including anyone they are related to by blood or by marriage (including parents, children, and stepchildren); 
  • Anyone the victim has a relationship with through a child. For example, the child’s grandparent;
  • Anyone the victim had a child with; 
  • Anyone the victim is currently dating or living with, or has ever dated or lived with; and
  • The victim’s spouse or former spouse.

With an Order of Protection, a victim can ask a judge to protect them from an abuser. For example, a judge can order the abuser to:

  • Stop abusive acts;
  • Stay away from the victim and other people protected by the order;
  • Not contact the victim via telephone calls, mail, email, written notes, or third parties;
  • Stay away from the victim’s home, school, or work;
  • Attend counseling;
  • Pay child support;
  • Return or stay away from property; and
  • Move out of a home they share with the victim.

A judge can also change a person’s allocation of parental responsibilities (custody/visitation) in an Order of Protection.

For more information on obtaining an order of protection in Sangamon County, please contact the Sangamon County Domestic Violence Advocate at (217)753-6796.

Any vehicle towed for a violation is subject to a $250 administration fee that must be paid PRIOR to getting the vehicle out of the tow yard. During normal business hours, the $250 fine must be paid in cash, must be exact as we cannot make change.  Pay the fee at the Auburn Police Department located at 324 W Jefferson Auburn, IL. The registered owner must be present and the person whom the vehicle is released to must present valid driver's license and insurance. 

Contact Us

If you have an Emergency please dial 911

The Auburn Police Department is located in the City Hall building at 324 W. Jefferson Street.

You can contact the police department and leave a message for an officer or the general voice mailbox at (217) 438-3351. For non-emergency police, fire, or rescue, dial (217) 753-6666. Have a question or comment? Please use our convenient contact form below.